A Resource management story quiz game
This was a very short project, that I have even deleted the code and
this GIF is the last trace of it. The game is a event based adventure
game where you encounter events and must make a choice. Each event
will impact two ressources, similarly to Reigns. You can't see the
value on the answer and must read the text to understand if the impact
is negative or positive.
The goal was to use the ressources logic created for my city builder
games into a quiz style template. The game is only composed of UI
elements (old system). The art is AI generated.

Resource management
- The Flax is the gold system, pretty basic, allowing to buy stuff during events, if the gold is not enough the choice appears grayed.
- If the popuation reach 0 , the game ends , a greater population will alows to encounter more events (it is a threshold/level system.)
- The Ecosytem is percentage based and 0% will end the game. This ressource is a multiplicator for certains events.
- The discovery is a "filling the bar" type, and when the bar is filled you encounter a special story event. If the player finds all the discoveries (10), the game ends on a win and the highscore (population and days) is saved.
- The reputation represents the two factions on the planet, reaching 0 or 100 will end the game, the goal is to stay friendly with both factions as long as possible.
The quiz base was a challenge to build upon. the timer added a nice constraint to put pressure on the player. This game deserve to have more content but the current code can be extended easely.